PROJECT: : Victory Christian Church E-commerce Website

SKILLS : Web Design, Graphic Design

The V Resource Center

The Challenge

Victory Christian Church International needed an e-commerce website that was responsive and could easily be edited and products added without the editor having coding experience. We needed to created a product that would meet their goals as well as make ordering intuitive enough for first-time customers and repeat customers.

The Solution

After looking at several CMS platforms we decided that WordPress would be the best platform for our client. During the development phase focus was to create an engaging user experience by designing a responsive design that included simple navigation and purchase of products. This is why the site is cleaned and uncluttered.

We have sought to improve this experience by making it more immersive. The goal is always to put the product as far forward as possible.  Naturally we have divided the products into categories taking into account the needs of the user but also making sure we developed the site with an SEO approach.